Jefferson Street Baptist Church
Eureka, Kansas
Our Mission Statement
HONOR God as we
BRING people to Jesus
CONNECT them with other believers
PREPARE them for ministry and
SEND them into His service
World Hunger Fund
The World Hunger Fund is a ministry that supports people in need of bodily nourishment. They help people all over the world. They could be giving a meal to a person in an apartment in Europe. They could also be giving a group of kids in Africa a cup of clean water.
Twenty cents of every dollar is sent to the North American Mission Board. These funds are used to support hunger projects in the United States. Eighty cents of every dollar is sent to the International Mission Board. These funds are used for direct hunger ministry as well as water well drilling, agricultural education, water purification, etc.
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
When you give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, 100 percent of their your offering will be transformed into missionary salaries and ministry supplies. Those missionaries and supplies will help others hear the message of Christ and respond in faith to His offer of salvation.
Viola Webb Missions Offering
The Viola Webb Missions Offering benefits mission needs in the Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists and your local association. Receipts are split 50/50 between KNCSB and the association where the money was given. The offering is named for Viola Webb, who directed Kansas-Nebraska Woman's Missionary Union for 25 years.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
In 2023, Southern Baptists will celebrate 135 years of annual giving to support international missionaries. More than 3.5 billion has been given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, whose namesake inspired the first collection of gifts in 1888 so the world might know Christ. Then, as now, every penny you give to Lottie Moon supports missionaries as they share the Gospel overseas.